
Recuperation and health care function of Forest Park and its application in planning

  • Categories:Farmhouse meal
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  • Time of issue:2020-09-25 15:25
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(Summary description)With the development of human civilization and the rapid development of science and technology, people are liberated from heavy physical labor.

Recuperation and health care function of Forest Park and its application in planning

(Summary description)With the development of human civilization and the rapid development of science and technology, people are liberated from heavy physical labor.

  • Categories:Farmhouse meal
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  • Time of issue:2020-09-25 15:25
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With the development of human civilization and the rapid development of science and technology, people are liberated from heavy physical labor. With more and more leisure time, tourism with the main purpose of adjusting body and mind, restoring health, entertainment and learning is becoming more and more popular. As a result, "return to nature", "green awakening", "forest tourism" and "forest bath" have developed rapidly. In forest tourism, a tourism form aiming at health, health care and recuperation is quietly rising. It mainly includes forest short-term vacation, forest sanatorium, etc. In foreign countries, such as Germany, forest environmental health law (climate, forest, topography and spring utilization) is considered as a natural health maintenance method. Fendorje science of the former Soviet Union believed that the sterilization and purification function of forests had the effect of refreshing and calming the mind. The French believe that the charged anions in the forest have a great effect on human health. People in Europe and the United States believe that walking on the earth path in the forest can regulate the human body's innate rhythm of life and make people feel refreshed. Since ancient times, China has clearly recognized the value of forest in recuperation, medicine, health and health care. In fact, the hermit's behavior of hermit in Qin and Han Dynasty was a kind of psychotherapy, which comforted people's psychological trauma through the psychotherapy of mountains and rivers and forests. Li Zizhen's Compendium of Materia Medica is actually a complete book of forest medicine. The imperial palaces and other gardens were built in the places with beautiful scenery and dense forests, which used the beautiful environment quality of the forest to adjust the body and mind, restore physical strength and health. Modern scenic spots such as Lushan and National Forest Park such as Zhangjiajie have attached great importance to the recuperation and health care function of the forest from the very beginning of construction, and special recuperation functional areas have been planned and constructed.

1. Forest recuperation function

The function of forest recuperation is mainly manifested in forest microclimate, forest environmental function and quality.

1.1 forest environment and climate suitable for human survival

The forest climate composed of forests and landforms adapts to human survival with low temperature, small temperature difference between day and night, high humidity, more rainfall and more clouds in the region. Archaeological materials confirm that human beings spend their long childhood in the forest. The existence of forest can produce a large amount of oxygen which is necessary for human survival, and effectively reduce the harm of solar radiation and ultraviolet radiation on human health. According to the census data, most of the longevity elderly and longevity areas in China are distributed in the forest areas with beautiful environment and less pollution. The Lande forest in France is a prominent example of this, where the average life expectancy of residents in this area has increased after planting coastal pine stands. Although the increase of life span is inevitable, it is very sudden, so it is generally believed that longevity is due to the direct impact of forests. Therefore, some data show that as long as you walk or stay within 100 meters of the forest, you can really enjoy the forest air, get recuperation physically and mentally, and often take a walk in the forest, which can prolong life.

1.2 bactericidal function of forest

Forest can secrete fungicides such as terpene, alcohol, organic acid, ether, aldehyde, ketone, etc. These substances kill bacteria, fungi and protozoa. According to the determination, the air bacteria content in public places in Nanjing is 49700 per cubic meter, 1372-6980 in parks and 1046 in suburban botanical gardens, with a difference of 12-25 times. In Zhangjiajie Forest Park, there are only 244 strains in the Artificial Cunninghamia lanceolata forest. There are 524 tourists near the forest road and 13918 in the park's accommodation center. There are 32753 bus stations in Dayong City, with a difference of 134 times. After the completion of Qiandaohu Forest Park in Zhejiang Province, there are 646 bacteria in the forest air in the park, which is only 1 / 120 of that in Qiandaohu town. Studies have shown that many trees in the forest can volatilize different fungicides. For example, a hectare of beech, juniper, poplar, Sophora and other trees, a day and night can secrete 30 kg of bactericide, can control a small city bacteria under a certain standard. Therefore, many tourists suffering from respiratory diseases travel and vacation in the forest, breathing a lot of clean air with bactericide, can control and treat the disease. Especially pine forest, because of its slender needles, a large number of needles and pine resin oxidation and release ozone, thin ozone has a fresh feeling, make people relaxed and happy, has a certain therapeutic effect on lung disease. Therefore, many sanatorium hospitals are mostly built in pine forests or in areas with more pine trees.

1.3 forest air purification

There is less dust in the air in the forest, and the floating dust in the air is mostly adsorbed on the leaves and branches in the forest. Therefore, the dust content in the air is significantly lower than that in public places. In Zhangjiajie Forest Park, the dust content per cubic meter is 2.22 × 108, 0.81 × 108 in broad-leaved forest scenic spot, 5.32 × 108 in open space tourist accommodation center and 3.85 × 108 in Dayong bus station. Forest Park air dust content is low, and oxygen content is high, one hectare forest can release 1152 cubic meters of oxygen a year. It has certain recuperation function for asthma and tuberculosis patients.

1.4 forest noise reduction

Low noise is another characteristic of forest environment. The existence of trees can eliminate some noise which is harmful to human health in the natural environment. The sound filtered by the forest can be tolerated by the general human body. According to research: green plants can reduce the volume by 1 / 4 through absorption, reflection and scattering. A 40 meter wide belt can reduce noise by 10-15 decibels. A 30 meter wide belt can be reduced by 6-8 decibels. The trees in the park can be reduced by 26-34 dB. Due to the "natural muffler" of the forest, some visitors (factories and downtown residents) who have been living in the noise environment for a long time can be recuperated in a comfortable sound environment, and can be rested and adjusted physically and psychologically.

1.5 the forest produces negative oxygen ions

In the health care function of forest, another biggest function is that the forest can produce a large number of "negative oxygen ions". Ions in the air can be divided into cation and anion. Cations are harmful to human health. If there are too many cations in the air, people will feel tired, depressed and even relapsed. Cations generally occur in dirty urban areas and in poorly ventilated rooms. Anion is also known as negative ion, negative oxygen ion is beneficial to human health, mainly can calm autonomic nerve, promote metabolism, purify blood, strengthen cell function, beautify face and prolong life. Generally, there are 1000 negative ions in the air, but only 220-400 in heavy industrial areas; 25-100 in the workshop; about 2000-3000 negative oxygen ions in and near the forest; the highest concentration of negative oxygen ions in the forest with 35-60% forest coverage, while the concentration of negative oxygen ions is 40-50% of the above forest land in the forest coverage rate of 35-60%. Especially in the forest canyon area, when there is a large area of water in the canyon, the content of negative oxygen ion in the air is the highest. According to foreign studies, forest air with high concentration of negative oxygen ions can mediate the concentration of serotonin in human body, effectively relieve amblyopia, joint pain, nausea and vomiting, irritability and depression caused by "serotonin provocation syndrome", improve nerve function, adjust metabolic process, and improve human immunity. It can successfully treat hypertension, asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis and fatigue. It also has good curative effect for bronchitis, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, neurasthenia and other 20 kinds of diseases. It can kill the infectious bacteria and promote the burn healing.

1.6 green psychological effect of forest

People pay more attention to the psychological effects of green tone, forest with complex structure and comfortable environment. According to tourists, people generally feel comfortable, comfortable and stable when they are playing in the forest. According to the measurement: when tourists visit the forest park, the temperature of human skin can be reduced by 1-2 ℃, the recovery rate of pulse can be increased by 2-7 times, the number of pulse should be significantly reduced by 4-8 times, the breathing is slow and uniform, the blood flow is slowed down, and the heart burden is reduced. For tourists who live in a tense environment for a long time, they can be adjusted and recovered physically and psychologically through forest recuperation.

The green visual environment of the forest will have a variety of effects on people's psychology and bring a lot of positive effects. It is found that tourists in the forest park will have a sense of satisfaction, ease, vitality and comfort in the green visual environment. Research shows that the forest mainly through the green branches, absorb the ultraviolet rays in the sunlight, reduce the irritation to the eyes. According to the theory of "green vision rate", when green reaches 25%, the fatigue of eyes and psychology can be eliminated, and people's spirit and psychology are most comfortable.

1.7 forest and environment are the deep psychological needs of human beings

During the Second World War, on the front line of the battlefield, after listening to Dietrich's famous sad homesickness song with tears in their trenches, many soldiers were shouting: "I want to go back to BLANKEN's forest!" and "my home is in the black forest!" I grew up in the forest of Bavaria In the battlefield, soldiers first think of the forest, not their own residence, or completely equate home with the forest, reflecting the deep-seated psychological needs of human beings in pursuit of living in the forest.

History shows that human beings spent their long childhood in the forest, and the forest provided shelter for human psychology and physiology at different times, and met all kinds of human needs. Human beings have positive and positive feelings towards forests. According to Pavlov's "brain dynamic stereotype" theory, this positive and positive emotion in the early stage of human beings has been reflected in the depth of human cerebral cortex, forming a kind of potential consciousness. Therefore, although human beings have stepped out of the forest and entered the city and the countryside, this deep-seated requirement will be revealed from time to time, affecting people's feelings and needs for the forest. Once people enter the forest, this feeling will burst out. People seem to be back in childhood, even in the mother and fetus of the beautiful state, psychological calm, central nervous system get relaxed, the whole body get good regulation, and feel relaxed, happy, comfortable. Many diseases caused by environmental stress or psychological factors can be cured by this function of forest.

2. Selection of forest convalescent area

In the planning of forest parks and scenic spots, the choice of convalescent places will be quite different due to their convalescent purposes, park location and conditions. To make decisions from the following aspects.

2.1 forest conditions

Generally, the central part of forest (50-100 HA) should be selected in the forest park. The forest microclimate characteristics are obvious. If possible, the microclimate indicators of different regions should be understood before planning, including air temperature, relative humidity, extreme temperature, rainfall, dust, bacteria and negative oxygen ion concentration in the air, and select the most suitable places for human comfort and recuperation Section design convalescent resort. The forest coverage rate is about 40-70%, and the stand is the stable stand above the middle age mixed with coniferous and broad-leaved forest. Pine, cypress, beech, oak and cypress are the best. In addition, some species with bactericidal function should be replanted in the planning.

2.2 geomorphic conditions

The convalescent area should include many kinds of geomorphic units as far as possible. It is better to have a large area of water and open terrace, as well as a certain number of sparse forest. The slope is gentle but fluctuates. Ventilate the air flow and water body without pollution. There is no radioactive pollution in the rock mass.

2.3 location conditions

For a park or scenic area as a whole, the sanatorium should not be located in the central scenic area or the centralized entertainment area. Although there is a certain distance from the above-mentioned areas, it can not be too far away, so it is inconvenient for recuperators to participate in recreational activities. At the same time, we should try to reduce the impact of other tourists on the convalescent area.

2.4 area

In general, when the area of the treatment area is determined, the purpose of use, the stability and convalescent function of the forest environment, the size of the park and other social and economic conditions should be considered comprehensively. The number of convalescent persons per hectare should be controlled within 1-2 persons.

3. Suggestions and ideas of developing forest health tourism in China

3.1 establish forest park and develop forest health resort

There are many forest parks at all levels approved for construction in China. Most of them are suitable for forest health tourism. Therefore, in the planning, design and construction, we should actively plan the convalescent places. In the planning and design, we should pay attention to the scientific selection of the recuperation sites; the second is to pay attention to the supporting facilities of other entertainment, culture, sightseeing and medical care; third, the cultivation of forest vegetation should be developed in the direction of improving the recuperation and health care function of the forest. .

3.2 opening up forest sanatorium

In addition to scenic spots or forest parks, comprehensive forest convalescent hospitals can be established in some forest farms or forest areas with superior conditions, such as special alpine forest sanatorium, northern forest convalescent hospital, forest tuberculosis sanatorium, etc. Improve services and medical facilities.

3.3 developing forest recuperation research

In this paper, we set up a forest recuperation major in the Department of forest tourism. In order to formulate the forest recuperation policy and explore the forest recuperation management and service experience.

3.4 carry out the research and publicity of forest recuperation, health and health care benefits

We should further understand the value of forests to human beings, improve the status of forests, and make rational use of their functions and values.

3.5 development and research of forest medicine and forest health food

Improve the technology and service items of forest recuperation. Make our country forest recuperation, health tourism play its due role in the forest.

3.6 to study and formulate relevant forest recuperation policies.

We will subsidize the development of forest recuperation and health care, and further improve the physical fitness of the whole people.

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